  1. 1. Selector Types
  2. 2. !important
  • @font-face Rule
  • Selector Types

    The following list of selector types is by increasing specificity:

    • Universal selectors (e.g., *)
    • Type selectors (e.g., h1)
    • Class selectors (e.g., .example)
    • Attributes selectors (e.g., [type="radio"])
    • Pseudo-classes (e.g., :hover)
    • ID selectors (e.g., #example)
    • Inline style (e.g., style="font-weight:bold")


    When an !important rule is used on a style declaration, this declaration overrides any other declaration made in the CSS, wherever it is in the declaration list. Although, !important has nothing to do with specificity.


    @font-face Rule


    In the new @font-face rule you must first define a name for the font , and then point to the font file. The URL must be in lowercase

    1. 1. Selector Types
    2. 2. !important
  • @font-face Rule